As of 1/18/1998

Q: Swimming: Meters or Yards?
Are the swim competitions in meters or in yards? The booklet says one thing and the registration forms say another. (Erin M. Fry)
A: Our pool is measured in meters; thus all swimming contests are in meters.


Q: Why is there a blank on my Contest Registration form where #22 and #57 should be? (Anonymous)
A: That was a copier error. #22 is vocal and #57 is the 100 meter freestyle.


Q: Chariots
At what time will the chariot race be? (Frank Zappa)
A: The chariot race follows the procession.


Q: Catapult Rules

"The catapult must fit in a 3' by 3' box" rule seems highly modified over last year: the former wording said that the catapult without the arm could be placed in a 3' by 3' box. Is there a height limit. It specifies a box, but is this a 3' by 3' by 3' cube, or just a 3' by 3' square drawn on the ground. (Frank Zappa)

A: The base of the catapult must fit in a 3' by 3' square and can be of any height. The catapult's arm can be of any length.

Please note that rule #8, "Each team's catapult must be designed to shoot over a three foot tall barrier." no longer applies.


Q: Musical Instrument Storage

"I am wondering if once I get [to convention] if there will be a place to keep my guitar during the rest of the day?" (Ted, via Internet)

A: We will have a locked/guarded room in which you can keep your instrument. Please be sure to label everything clearly with your name as well as the name of your chapter.


Q: Harps

"One of my students is interested in entering the music competition, but the problem is that she plays the harp! Is out of the realm of possibility to use an existing Menlo harp, or should she forget it?" (Hilary Nader)

A: Erica Pun will have her mid-sized harp available. However, please call Menlo JCL before convention to confirm this.


Q: Competitive Certamen Levels

"Is Comp. certamen combining levels 3 and up or are 1,2,3, 4 and 5 all separate? We  are unclear as to how to list the members of our respective levels of certamen teams." (Hilary Nader)

A: Competitive certamen levels are:
MS Beginner, MS Advanced, HS 1, HS 2, HS 3, HS Advanced
(Advanced is 4, 5+)

Do you have any questions that pertain to the CJCL '98 Convention?  If so, email; we will try to answer your query within a few days.

We hope that we have been able to sufficiently answer your queries. Please feel free to ask more.

Last updated 1/18/1998 by DWong.