Scarecrow Construction

Building a scarecrow for Halloween

See a slideshow of these pictures.
[Juan riding the hay]
Juan riding the hay
Size: 424 × 682, 94KiB
Photographer: Cristina Villegas
[Gabe building the scarecrow]
Gabe building the scarecrow
Size: 764 × 521, 127KiB
Photographer: Cristina Villegas
[Darrick, Juan and Alex measuring wood]
Darrick, Juan and Alex measuring wood
Size: 586 × 746, 145KiB
Photographer: Cristina Villegas
[Quetzal, Regina and Gabe fixing the feet]
Quetzal, Regina and Gabe fixing the feet
Size: 546 × 880, 151KiB
Photographer: Cristina Villegas
[What happens to people who cut house meetings: The Scarecrow on Halloween]
What happens to people who cut house meetings: The Scarecrow on Halloween
Size: 594 × 882, 169KiB
Photographer: Cristina Villegas
[Regina and Quetzal with their hands in the...]
Regina and Quetzal with their hands in the...
Size: 654 × 575, 134KiB
Photographer: Cristina Villegas
[Unknown Photograph]
Unknown Photograph
Size: 589 × 875, 203KiB
Photographer: Cristina Villegas

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