How to Install JYZ

Installing JYZ is a relatively simple task, involving downloading a package and configuring the Java VM. However, depending on which version of the VM you have, the process is either really simple or moderately difficult.

If you have Java2 (v1.2 and newer)

  1. Download and install Java2 on your computer. JavaSoft (offsite) distributes versions for Windows and Solaris; Blackdown (offsite) does likewise for i386, PowerPC and Alpha Linux, and IBM (offsite) puts out a Windows, Linux and S/390 distribution. Apple allegedly has a (slow) Java2 implementation for MacOS X.
  2. Download (offsite) the latest version of the "Java2 YZ Windows" package.
  3. Extract the file from the distribution package and place it in the $JRE_HOME/lib/ext/ directory. If you cannot do this, simply add to your CLASSPATH variable. (This process is detailed in the following section.)
  4. Download some helper files.
  5. To test your JYZ installation, run the command java jyz.test.main.

If you have Java 1.1

  1. Download and install Java 1.1 on your computer. JavaSoft (offsite) distributes versions for Windows and Solaris; Blackdown (offsite) does likewise for i386, PowerPC and Alpha Linux, and IBM (offsite) puts out a Windows, Linux and S/390 distribution. Apple also puts out the MRJ (offsite) for MacOS Classic people.
  2. Download (offsite) the latest version of the "Java 1.1 YZ Windows" package.
  3. You might also want to grab these files.
  4. Modify the Java "classpath" to include the JYZ distribution package. This file is the file inside the distribution file that you downloaded. Generally, this stage involves editing system files:
  5. Windows 95/98:
    1. Open C:\AUTOEXEC.BAT in a text editor.
    2. Add the line "SET CLASSPATH=.;<path to J1YZ zip file>/;%CLASSPATH%" to the very end of the file.
    3. Save the file and restart the computer.
  6. Unix:
    1. Open your shell's configuration file. We assume bash, although the techniques for tcsh and others are quite similar. For bash, the configuration file is usually "~/.bashrc".
    2. Append the line "export CLASSPATH=.;<path to J1YZ zip file>/;$CLASSPATH".
    3. Save, exit and then run ". .bashrc"
  7. Windows NT:
    1. Open the System control panel.
    2. Select the "Environment" tab.
    3. If the "CLASSPATH" variable already exists, append ";.;<path to J1YZ zip file>/" to it and save.
    4. If it does not, then create the "CLASSPATH" variable with contents ".;<path to JYZ zip file>/" and save.
  8. MacOS Classic:
    1. Drag the file into Macintosh HD:System Folder:Extensions:MRJ Classes:Libraries folder.
  9. At a console, run your JYZ program. If you wish to run one of the JYZ demonstration programs, simply type java jyz.test.main.

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