Current JYZ Applications
Most of the original KYZ/MacYZ programs have been ported to JYZ to some extent...
this is what we've ported so far:
- Atchoo: ???. Ask Woodley.
- Connect Four: The classic 2-player 4-in-a-row game.
- Cursor: Loads a YZCURSOR and displays it. Not quite what KYZ does, but similar.
- fbss: The weird lines thing.
- Fractal: Draw a Sierpinski gasket.
- Nibbles: Nibbles tries to be a modern-day JYZ version of the MS-DOS
5.0 NIBBLES.BAS game. For the uninitiated, you have two snakes competing for
food, and both have to avoid slamming into the walls.
- Raw Image: Displays forest.raw and cow.raw.
- SameGame: Try to eliminate circles from a grid in the largest
blocks possible.
- Squares!: Game where you click on vertices in an attempt to create
- Swoosh: The swoosh from the 0.20 spec.
- Tic Tac Toe: You know what this is.
And here are other random programs:
- AlphaTest: This program shows off anti aliasing and alpha blending.
- Amorpho: Weird polygon drawing program.
- keyclick: Type text, click, and text shows up there.
- mousemove: Draw weird boxes as mouse passes over window. Draws a line if mouse button down.
- Terminal Emulator: Try to capture a terminal in YZ. Doesn't quite work.
Stuff that may eventually become a part of the distribution:
- YZiForm: Steven Stanek's image editor.
- RoboPuck: A port of Swift Eagle Software's "RoboPuck" game, a type of Air Hockey.
- yzEdCrsr: YZ cursor editor.