Features of YZ Windows
For detailed information, read the YZ specification.
The current version is v0.3.5. Hopefully Woodley will eventually add a few of
the JYZ features...
Java YZ supports the following features:
- Everything in the YZ 0.3.5 specification.
- New, robust keyboard support! Lots of goofy characters...
- Open, move, close and reorder windows.
- Drawing outline and opaque versions of:
- Ovals
- Rectangles
- Polygons
- Circles
- Points
- Triangles
- Rendering text.
- Selecting fonts.
- Selecting a pen size.
- Selecting a pen color.
- Anti-aliased renderings.
- Alpha-blended renderings.
- Buffer window contents when parts of that window are obscured. (aka "Saveunders");
- Painting images on the screen. Image types supported: JPEG/GIF/24bit RGB chunked RAW.
Extra support for PNG/TIFF/CGM and others can be added via the
Java Advanced Imaging (offsite) kit.
- Event based input from a pointing device and a keyboard.
- Custom mouse cursors.
- Rudimentary window events such as close, resize, activate and deactivate.
Of course, not all the KYZ/MacYZ demonstration programs have been completely ported
to JYZ. However, in the author's experience, this has not been a particularly
onerous task.